Liz Taylor
Liz Taylor
Where are you from?
I was born and raised in Bolton but spent a year travelling the world in my early 20’s, going as far afield as South East Asia and South America.
Where did you study/ work previously?
I completed my Occupational Therapy degree at Salford University.
Where did you work previously?
I have worked in pretty much every Neuro Centre in The North West! I started my Neuro journey on The Taylor Ward in Leigh Infirmary and progressed to working at The Walton Centre, Salford Royal Infirmary and a Private Neuro Facility in Bury on inpatient care. I then did various locum posts in Community Neuro and Brain injury rehab.
What is a typical day at MTS like for you?
There is no typical! I can literally be assessing someone getting the bus to town one hour, and meeting architects and builders to look at home adaptations the next. The only thing that is always the same is the support I get from our fantastic team.
What’s the best thing about your role?
Making a difference. I know it sounds cheesy but its true. I’m working with people who were told that they would never do certain activities again and we are supporting them to do them! One particular person stands out in my mind...he was told that he would require two to one support in a residential facility for the rest of his life- we have worked to get him not only independent indoors but within his local community too! He moves into his own home this year 🙂
What do you consider is your biggest achievement within your role?
Everyone is different, so seeing each client achieve is always amazing, so there’s no way I could choose a client-related achievement. It’ll have to be creating the team that we have at MTS; my little work family!