Martin Taylor

Where are you from?

 Bolton, UK

Where did you study/work previously?

I have worked within management for over 20years in one form or another. I did have a break around 2020 due to Covid restrictions and spent 2 years as an Outdoor Rehabilitation Specialist, utilising years of skills learned doing the activities I love; hiking, biking, climbing and watersports.

What is a typical day at MTS like for you?
Working at MTS is fast-paced and each day brings a new challenge. As Operations Manager, I deal with the whole team, over-seeing the day-to-day organising of the company. I work in close conjunction with the Business Manager and Clinical Director ensuring our clients are happy with our input & seeing their goals achieved. I also ensure our employees are enjoying their roles, feeling appreciated and valued.

What’s the best thing about your role?
I enjoy working with our amazing team who are absolutely dedicated to bringing about the best possible outcomes for our clients. I love hearing how we have had real, positive impacts on people’s lives.

What do you consider is your biggest achievement within your role?I

It’s not an achievement, but my aim is to make the working environment a fun, happy and secure place, where our staff can come to work feeling supported and energised in their roles.