Rehab Assistants are specially trained to work with our clients with acute brain injuries and other neurological conditions. Our Rehab Assistants provide a treatment that is client-centered and holistic, following treatment plans devised by Occupational Therapists for the client-specific needs.

Rehab Assistants are specially trained to work with our clients with acute brain injuries and other neurological conditions. Our Rehab Assistants provide a treatment that is client-centered and holistic, following treatment plans devised by Occupational Therapists for the client-specific needs.

Here are some examples of goals  our clients are working  on at present:

Hiking in the Dolomites

Learning English as a second language utilising errorless learning.


Here are some examples of goals  our clients are working  on at present:

Supporting our clients on their first independent holiday.

Travelling to Liverpool city centre independently.       this is a space saver  piece of text




Images from our Rehab Assistant Sessions